Our Travels and Adventures

Ever since being a small child Giles has had a keen interest in travelling to far flung jungles in search of rare and wonderful tropical fish........at an early age he wanted to learn about where the fish lived and their surroundings.


Barlows Aquatic Trading finally was the vehicle for adventures and Giles has visited many parts of the world in his thirst for knowledge.



In the early part of this century he travelled to the Peruvian jungle, catching wild tropical fish, visiting catching stations, scouring the local fish markets for albeit dead specimens. On this trip the idea was formed for B.D. Trading Aquarium Sand when Giles and a group of aquarists slept on a sand bank on the River Nanay, near Iquitos. The sand beneath their feet was the stuff that hundreds of species of fish have evolved to live on (and some in). 


Upon his return to the UK, Giles set about a new venture to supply the identical sand for the aquatic trade.


The rest is history........1000's of tonnes has been sold to date and it has been recommended by some of the world's best fish keepers including Ian Fuller of Corydoras fame.

Since that Peru trip all those years ago, further trips have included Fiji, Honduras, Borneo and several trips to Thailand where some great connections have been made with breeders and exporters.


On our most recent trip to Thailand we have photographed biotopes in the dry season where roots and rocks are showing above the water level (prior to the rains coming).....


Have a look through them to get some inspiration on how to aquascape your home aquarium. Our shop in Accrington is rammed with roots, bogwood, rock and sand for all your scaping needs!!!


Some pictures of our travels for inspiration for your home aquariums.......

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